Governance Materials

RTD Board of Directors governance materials

Part I: Board Governance

  1. Board Governance Overview

Part II: Governing Policies and Procedures

  1. RTD Act - C.R.S. § 32-9-101 et seq.
  2. Board Bylaws
  3. Major Laws Affecting RTD Board

Part III: Code of Ethics

  1. RTD Code of Ethics Board Ethics
  2. Independent Ethics Commission Ruling LR 16-05
  3. Standards of Conduct - Article 18 of Title 24, C.R
  4. Board Operating Guidelines

Part IV: Committee Structure

  1. RTD Board Committees
  2. Committee Descriptions

Part V: Board of Directors Local & Travel Policies

  1. Frequently Asked Questions on Board Expenses
  2. Highlights of Being a Board Member

Part VI: General Manager Oversight

  1. General Manager Compensation Philosophy
  2. General Manager Hiring and Search Process
  3. Procedures for Approving General Manager Business Expenses
  4. Policy for General Manager Goal Setting
  5. Policy on Evaluation Process for General Manager Annual Performance Review